I had the ultrasound in the morning and was anxiously waiting for the results. I wasn't in too much pain as the Gabapentin finally relieved the nerve pain from the scars on my breasts. I had some swelling on the side of my ribcage under my armpit and also due to the drain being in. My friends came to visit which was a lovely distraction and my brother arrived just before my surgeon, Dr Dedekind walked in. She was smiling with tears in her eyes and said;

"Are you ready to hug me, I have the test results and your lymph nodes are clear and there is nothing on your liver! You are Cancer Free!!!!"
I couldn't believe I was hearing these words, tears filled my eyes and streamed down my cheeks as I smiled from so much joy and relief! My surgeon started crying too, what an amazing breast surgeon I had, so much heart!
We all hugged and then put on a pumping tune to celebrate! The new patient in the bed next to me shouted "excuse me I'm in a lot of pain here" and my friend Kim opened the curtain and Shouted
" Well, my friend just found out she doesn't have cancer anymore!'
What a relief, I felt like I could breathe again, half the battle was over, Now just some chemo to get rid of any intruders that might be hiding out and I'll be able to carry on with my life.
Because life is a dancefloor !!!!
Later that evening my mother came to bring me some Shabbat dinner, I decided it was time to go for another walkabout with my little drain bag I called it my "Shopping Bag" Kindly donated by Reach for Recovery an amazing organisation. I walked down the hallway to the nurse's station singing Big Spender " the minute she walked in the joint" and the song "Mercy" to my lovely nurse whose name was Mercy. they were so excited they took a video and photo of me with my little drain bag. I was glad I could make them laugh and smile as they had been so good to me. I really have the utmost respect for nurses. It is not an easy profession and it takes a very special kind of person to take on that calling.
I want to thank all the Nurses at Christian Barnard Hospital for taking such good care of me, you made my stay all the more pleasant.
Love & Health
Post-Op Appointment one week later with my
Phenomenal Breast Surgeon Dr Britta Dedekind
"I can't thank you enough for making every step of this journey far less scary. With your smile, your positivity, your big heart and taking the time to call me on a Friday night to calm me down and put my mind at ease. you went above and beyond and I'm so grateful to you and your brilliant hands for 2 successful surgeries! Now I'm CANCER-FREE!!!!
I called my Oncologist Dr Hart that afternoon to ask him If I still had to do Chemotherapy he said,
"Yes Danielle , are you still going to ask me if you need chemo towards the end of Chemo?
So that's half the battle done, now onto the next form of treatment Chemotherapy! Yaaaaayyyyy!!!! 2 months (1 session every 2 weeks) of AC also known as the Red Devil and Taxol for 12 weeks (weekly).
Stay tuned for my next series of posts : The Chemo Chronicles
Love & Health